

时间:2024-03-12 10:33:37 优秀作文

高考英语作文常见单词 第1篇

7.之前的精彩的表现 previous brilliant performance

8.我肯定/确信... I bet/I am fully convinced that...

9.能够承担这项工作 be capable of the job

10.精通...;在...相当熟练 have high proficiency in

11.天生性格和蔼可亲 equip himself with amiable character

12.注定...;一定... be bound to do...

13.有丰富的经验 ...has abundant experience

14.巧妙的辅导技巧 subtle tutoring techniques

15.随时联系我... feel free/don’t hesitate to contact me at +电话号码

16.一个理想的候选人 an ideal candidate

17.守纪和勤奋使他... (两个名词对称) Discipline and diligence makes him ...


11.拳头重重地砸在桌上 ...banged his fist loudly on the table

12.怒不可遏,向...挥舞着拳头 Boiling with rage,he swung his fist wildly at me.


I could feel my heart thumping wildly,and my palm sweating.

14.双臂合抱在胸前,直视着他 He folded his arms and stared at him.

15.张开双臂搂住了他 threw his arms around her

16.拍了拍他的肩膀 patted him on the shoulder

17.用肩挤着穿过人群 shouldered her way through the crowd

18.只耸了耸肩 just shrugged his shoulders

19.扭头朝后看 looked (back) over his shoulder

高考英语作文常见单词 第2篇

1.羞愧地低下头 ____________________ his head in shame

2.怀疑地摇摇头 shook his head ___________________

3.挠了挠头 _____________ his head

4.脸上露出喜色 his face _________________________with pleasure

5.窘得满脸通红 His face ____________________ with embarrassment.

6.因为羞愧而感到脸颊发烧 He felt his cheeks ___________ with shame.

7.吓得脸都白了 His face __________ with fright

8.泪流满面 Her cheeks were ___________ with tears.

9.饥饿的目光落在...上 hungry eyes ____________ on...

10.闭上双眼 _______________ her eyes

11.惊恐地睁大了眼睛 Her eyes were _______ with horror/eyes _________ with horror

12.眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒 her eyes __________________________ with excitement

13.眼睛里充满泪水 His eyes ____________ with tears.

14.泪水模糊了双眼 Tears ______________ her eyes/vision.

15.眼里充满感激的泪水 Tears of gratitude _________________ in his eyes.

16.眼睛盯着...(with结构) with her eyes _________________...

高考英语作文常见单词 第3篇

4.除此之外(表并列) apart from it

5.建立信心 build confidence

6.表达我的真诚感激 extend my genuine appreciation

7.非常需要... be in desperate need of

8.被武装/拥有... be equipped with

9.高深的/渊博的知识 profound knowledge

10.对...的深刻的洞察力 a deep insight into...

11.有您的出席(介词短语) with your attendance

12.辉煌的未来 a brilliant future

13.(信末套语)某某敬上 Yours respectfully,

高考英语作文常见单词 第4篇

14.朝...惊叫/呼喊 __________ to sb.

15.绝望的(两个对称的形容词) _________ and __________

16....感觉像成千上万枚针在戳我 ...felt like millions of needles __________ me

17.我是多么希望我能... How I _________ that I could... (心理活动)

18.似乎过了很久之后 After __________seemed to be _______,...

19.用尽全力做... do sth. with every last __________ of my strength

20.飞奔着回家 ___________ home

21.惊恐地瞪大了眼睛 one’s eyes were wide with _________

22.突然 all of a sudden

23.果然 sure enough

24. ________ me in a warm coat, _________ me in a blanket and _________ me

a cup of hot milk 动作链

25.门被打开 The door __________ open. (fling-flung-flung 甩;掷)

26.面带微笑迎接某人 greet sb. with a ___________________ smile

27.抬头朝某人咧嘴笑 ________ up at sb. (grin-grinned-grinned)

28.摇着它的尾巴 ________ his tail (wag-wagged-wagged)

29.轻抚他光滑的脑袋 __________ his glossy head


Tears of gratitude ____________ in his eyes.

31.全心全意地 adv. __________________

高考英语作文常见单词 第5篇

1.惊奇地张大嘴 His mouth ____________ open in surprise.

2.目瞪口呆地看着我 ...looked at me,_______________.

3.当...紧张得心到了喉咙口 My heart was ____________________ when...

4.....呆住了,嘴张着 ... froze,his mouth _______________ open.

5.清了清嗓子 ___________ his throat

6.当...吓得喉咙发紧 His throat _____________with fear when...

7....觉得喉咙哽住了 ...felt a _________ in his throat and...

8..嘴唇在颤抖 His lips were _______________________.

9.竖起耳朵... ____________my ears to do .一边颤抖,一边使劲搓着双手 She shivered,_________ her hands __________.

11.拳头重重地砸在桌上 ..._________ his fist loudly on the table

12.怒不可遏,向...挥舞着拳头 ______ with rage,he _______ his fist _______ at me.


I could feel my heart _________ wildly,and my palm __________.

14.双臂合抱在胸前,直视着他 He ________ his arms and ___________ him.

15.张开双臂搂住了他 _________ his arms around her

16.拍了拍他的肩膀 __________him on the shoulder

17.用肩挤着穿过人群 ___________ her way through the crowd

18.只耸了耸肩 just ___________ his shoulders

19.扭头朝后看 looked (back) _________ his shoulder

高考英语作文常见单词 第6篇

10.闭上双眼 squeezed her eyes


Her eyes were wide with horror/eyes widened with horror


eyes sparkling/glowing/twinkling with excitement

14.眼睛里充满泪水 His eyes brimmed with tears.

泪水模糊了双眼 Tears blurred her eyes/vision.


Tears of gratitude filled his eyes/welled up in his eyes.

16.眼睛盯着... with her eyes fixed on...

高考英语作文常见单词 第7篇

16....感觉像成千上万枚针在戳我 ...felt like millions of needles stabbing me

17.我是多么希望我能... How I wished that I could... (心理活动)

18.似乎过了很久之后 After what seemed to be ages

19.用尽全力做... do sth. with every last ounce of my strength

20.飞奔着回家 gallop home

21.惊恐地瞪大了眼睛 one’s eyes were wide with horror

22.突然 all of a sudden

23.果然 sure enough

24. dressed me in a warm coat, wrapped me in a blanket and poured me

a cup of hot milk 动作链

25.门被打开 The door flung open. (fling-flung-flung 甩;掷)

26.面带微笑迎接某人 greet sb. with a beaming/radiant smile

27.抬头朝某人咧嘴笑 grin up at sb. (grin-grinned-grinned)

28.摇着它的尾巴 wag his tail (wag-wagged-wagged)

29.轻抚他光滑的脑袋 stroke his glossy head

30.感激的眼泪在他的眼睛里涌出来 Tears of gratitude welled up in his eyes.

31.全心全意地 adv. Wholeheartedly